Custom Fixtures

A Custom Fixture is required if you want to change the properties of a fixture, or create a fixture with additional channels.

Below is a fixture personality for the Generic LED - RGB 8 bit fixture:

fixture = LED - RGB 8 bit

manuid = 0

modelid = 5

class = led

shape = square

dimensions = 24x24

patchgroup = fixture

parameter = Cyan

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %

parameter = Magenta

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %

parameter = Yellow

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %

There are three main sections in the personality:

Fixture Header

The fixture header contain all the information that relates to the fixture as a whole.

fixture = LED - RGB 8 bit

manuid = 0

modelid = 5

class = led

shape = square

dimensions = 24x24

Each line contains a property name and its value, separated by an equals sign (=).

fixture Required The name of the fixture (as displayed in the Designer fixture library)
manuid Required The manufacturer ID for the fixture manufacturer. This can be found from an existing fixture by that manufacturer. If the manufacturer doesn’t exist, then 100 should be used (Custom)
modelid Required A unique modelid (within the manufacturer)
modeid Optional The mode identifier where there a multiple modes available for a single fixture
class Required The class of the fixture. This will determine how the fixture is displayed on the layout (accessory, controller, conventional, dali, led, media, mirror, spot, wash)
shape Optional (only used if class = led) The shape of an LED fixture (circle or square)
dimensions Required The size of the fixture on the plan (in px)


A fixture can have 1 or 2 patchgroups within the personality. A patchgroup is a separate section of the fixture that can be patched independently, e.g. a fixture containing multiple strings of LED nodes, or where the intensity of a fixture is controlled separately to the rest of the parameters.

patchgroup = fixture

The label of the patchgroup will be displayed within the Patch mode of Designer when you patch the fixture.

Normally this can be left as patchgroup = fixture.

Channel Definitions

A channel definition contains all the information required to allow a single channel to work. Although a channel definition doesn’t include a channel number, Designer will increment this for each new channel definition, so the channels should be added in the order that they need to be within the fixture.

parameter = Intensity

default = 0

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 0, 255, %


parameter The main function of the channel. This should be one of the functions defined later in this document  
default The default level for the channel, this is what the channel will be set to if no Timelines or Scenes are controlling the fixture (0-255 or 0-65535)  
crossfade The crossfade path for the channel (linear or snap)  
type The type of channel (htp8bit or htp16bit). Sets whether the channel is an 8 bit (0-255) or 16 bit (0-65535) channel  
range See below  

Range Declarations

A range declaration defines a DMX range or value which can be selected within Designer, and assigns a label to it.


range = int, label


range = int1, int2, label

If a single value is set, then selecting the range in Designer will set the DMX output to that specific value. Setting two values will allow the user to select any value in that range.

int, int1, int2 = 0-255 for 8 bit channels, 0-65535 for 16 bit.

int1 may be more or less than int2, but cannot be the same.

The label is displayed within Designer on the button which is used to set the value.

If the label is set to %, then no label will appear.

Special Considerations

RGB Channels

Designer uses a CMY colour mixing engine internally, and as such RGB channels must be defined as their inverse colour with an inverted range:


parameter = Cyan

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %


parameter = Magenta

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %


parameter = Yellow

default = 255

crossfade = linear

type = ltp8bit

range = 255, 0, %

Multi Element Fixtures

If you have a multi-element fixture (e.g. a series of RGB LED Nodes), the fixture personality can be configured to create those nodes for you.


element = label

Channel Definitions

elementcount = value

The label will be displayed as the name of the element within Designer (in the fixture browser)

The value of elementcount is the number of repetitions of the element within the fixture.

You will require an additional line in the fixture header:

geometry = intX x intY

intX and intY are the number of elements the fixture has in the X and Y directions.


geometry = 2x4


Any line within a personality can be commented out using double forward slashes:

// This would be a comment

Unused Channels

If a channel in a personality is unused, it can be added to the personality to ensure the DMX footprint and channel numbering is correct without actually controlling anything.

constant = int

Constant defines this as a non-controllable channel, and int is the value to set this constant channel to, generally 0.


constant = 0

Saving a Custom Fixture

When you create a Custom Fixture manually, you will need to save it to the following location:

The file should be saved as a *.txt file with any name of your choice.

You may need to restart Designer for your new fixture to appear in the fixture library.

Further Assistance

Should you require any further assistance, please send the following to your Dealer:

The name and mode of the fixture that is required

A user manual, including full DMX personality

The date you require the fixture personality